
Auto Kepo! Cita Rasa KOREA, Kota SOLO Poenya! Bukan Cuma Ala-Ala!

Hy  Buddies !!! Selamat datang kembali di  My Name Is Tanty  ! Setelah sekian lama tidak aktif, akhirnya hari ini aku punya konten yang menarik untuk dibahas. Tentunya seputar kuliner dan tempat wisata. Kenapa? Yaaa karena menulis bisa tentang apa saja. Hmmm...alasannya kurang scientific ya? Tidaklah mengapa! tapi, yang pasti, ini semua tentang perjalanan Tanty dan kawannya, sebut saja Arlin, dalam menyusuri salah satu rumah makan berkonsep Korea yang pasti  instagramable  banget, yang terletak di jantung Kota Solo! ~632019~ Hari itu hari Rabu. Tanty masih berada di dalam kelasnya, melakukan hal yang biasa di lakukan oleh mahasiswa lain saat kuliah, apakah itu? mendengarkan dosen memberikan kuliah sembari membuat catatan-catatan sederhana di buku bindernya. Bosan? Tentu tidak! Karena saat itu materi yang dijelaskan begitu menarik! Diskusi pun berjalan! Oh, sungguh Kondusif. Tapi, sejenak Tanty memeriksa layar androidnya. Ternyata, ada sepucuk  Direct Mess

My First Post In My Blog (English Version)

Hy Buddies! My name is Tanty NK and this is my personal blog. It can be called as a very ‘warm’ blog, alias still ‘Fresh From The Oven’. Why? Because this is my first blog that I have ever made in the history of my life (hihihi, too dramatic) and this post is my first post here. Because of it is the first post in this blog, so I dedicated it to tell you about liltle thing of myself and what the contents which will fill this blog in the future.  "My Name Is Tanty" To be honest, deciding to create a personal blog was not an easy thing for me. Because there were so many considerations which I considered before creating the blog. Whereas, in fact, all of the considerations became my barriers to start stepping out of my comfort zone. I also re-question again and again whether all of my considerations that I have considered were indeed as crucial things to be considered, Or! just reasons to justify myself about my fear for stepping out. Sounds so dram